:!:This article is courtesy of Steamless CS Project:!:

This Linux guide only covers HLDS as all other HLDS versions include too many security holes and exploits. Therefore we do not recommend using them.

HLDS Linux : hlds_l_3111_full.bin
Counter-Strike 1.5 : cs_15_full.tar.gz or an other MOD of your choice
HLDS Linux update : hlds_l_3111e_update.tar.gz

If any of those links are broken you should be able to find the files elsewhere (try Google or FileMirrors).

If you do want to add anticheat, we recommend using WON2VAC (info). You can use WON2VAC by changing/leaving secure to “1”. The appropriate serveraddresses for WON2VAC are already included in the No-WON/WON2 Patch for Players.

An other good anticheat system is HLGuard. We do not, however, recommend Cheating-Death. Cheating-Death does not officially support the WON(2)/Half-Life system anymore and as for the latest version it doesn't work at all on serverside. Pre 4.30.x versions work with CS 1.5, however this make huge laggs occur on both server and client side.

int NET_IsReservedAdr(){return 1;}

In the same directory, type these commands :

gcc -c nowon.c -o nowon.o
ld -shared -o nowon.so nowon.o 
export LD_PRELOAD=/.../hlds_l/nowon.so 

Be sure to substitute the full path to your hlds_l directory in place of the “…”.

gcc -s -O3 -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -shared -ldl -o hlds_20040707fix.so hlds_20040707fix.c 
export LD_PRELOAD="/.../hlds_l/nowon.so /.../hlds_l/hlds_20040707fix.so" 

As before, be sure to substitute the full path to your hlds_l directory in place of both “…”.

:!:This article is courtesy of Steamless CS Project:!: