~~NOTOC~~ Cette doc n'est plus à jour. Pour installer et configurer Mangos voir ici : https://github.com/mangos/MaNGOS On installe un serveur WoW avec [[http://www.mangosproject.org/|mangos]] sous Debian. Ca semble fonctionner pas mal avec le dernier client 2.4.3 (Burning Crusade) à part quelques parties non traduites et surement des bugs. * **Configuration matérielle** : * machine virtuelle Xen //{'cap': 0, 'weight': 512}// * 1 vCPU : 1x Core2Duo T7200 2 Ghz * 1,5 Go de RAM * 20 Go d'espace disque * Bande passante : 100 Mbits * **Configuration logicielle** : * OS : Debian 4.0 * Kernel : 2.6.18-6-xen-686 #1 SMP * MySQL : 5.0.32-7etch6 * Trinity Core rev 53 * Trinity Database rev 40 * ACID 0.0.4 - Full Release * Auction House Bot : Revision:110 * **Statut du serveur** : * {{sos>tcp:| World}} * {{sos>tcp:| Realm}} ====== Installation ====== ===== Pré-requis ===== apt-get install zlibc gcc g++ make automake autoconf mysql binutils cpp libc6 libc6-dev libc6-i686 libgcc1 libmysql++-dev linux-header-`uname -r` linux-kernel-headers linux-kernel-devel makedepend mysql-client-5.0 mysql-common mysql-server python libssl0.9.8 libssl-dev openssl ssl-cert subversion g77 zlib1g-dev screen mc bunzip libstdc++ libtool unrar Il faut parfois adapter, pour ma part j'ai installé sur une machine virtuelle Xen et certains packages diffèrent. Un //apt-get install build-essential// peut installer aussi certains packages du type //gcc// et compagnie. Certains packagent existent peut-être déjà sur la machine, à vous de voir. On créé un user pour ne pas lancer le truc en root : adduser -d /home/wowsvr wowsvr passwd wowsvr cd /home/wowsvr mkdir mangos ===== Mangos ===== On récupère la dernière version de l'émulateur : svn checkout https://mangos.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mangos/trunk On récupère aussi ScriptDev2 : mkdir -p trunk/src/bindings cd trunk/src/bindings svn co http://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scriptdev2 ScriptDev2/ Et puis aussi //AuctionBot// si le serveur n'est pas très peuplé : svn co http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/auctionhousebot/trunk AuctionBot/ Puis on prépare la compilation : cd ../.. patch -p0 < src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-rXXXX-Scriptdev2.patch patch -p0 < src/bindings/AuctionBot/auctionhousebot.patch On reconfigure : autoreconf --install --force autoconf ./configure --prefix=/home/wowsvr/mangos --sysconfdir=/home/wowsvr/mangos/etc --with-python --enable-cli --enable-ra --datadir=/home/wowsvr/mangos Et on compile : make make install Récupérer les fichier ci-dessous et les décompresser sous ///home/wowsvr/mangos// : [[http://files.ndlp.info/wow/server/dbc_2.4.3.tar.bz2|dbc_2.4.3.tar.bz2]] [[http://files.ndlp.info/wow/server/maps_2.4.3.tar.bz2|maps_2.4.3.tar.bz2]] [[http://files.ndlp.info/wow/server/vmaps_2.4.3.tar.bz2|vmaps_2.4.3.tar.bz2]] Au final on a ça : wowsvr@WoWvm:~/mangos$ ls -ltr total 288 drwxr-x--- 2 wowsvr wowsvr 114688 Aug 22 12:58 maps drwxr-x--- 2 wowsvr wowsvr 12288 Aug 22 13:04 dbc drwxr-x--- 3 wowsvr wowsvr 4096 Aug 22 14:49 mangos drwxr-x--- 3 wowsvr wowsvr 4096 Aug 22 14:49 scriptdev2 drwxr-x--- 2 wowsvr wowsvr 4096 Aug 22 14:49 lib drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 Aug 23 12:18 lost+found drwxr-x--- 2 wowsvr wowsvr 4096 Aug 23 19:19 bin drwxr-x--- 2 wowsvr wowsvr 4096 Aug 24 08:20 etc drwxr-x--- 2 wowsvr wowsvr 135168 Aug 24 10:12 vmaps ===== SQL ===== On se connecte en root à la base de données (ce n'est pas le même utilisateur root que le système). Par défaut il n'y a pas de password. C'est pas mal de mettre un password avant de commencer : mysql -u root -p mysql> use mysql; mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('new_password'); mysql> exit ==== Bases mangos, characters et realmd ==== On récupère la base de données UDB (Unified DB) qui est un fournisseur parmi d'autres (Silvermoon,etc) : cd /home/wowsvr svn co http://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/unifieddb cd /home/wowsvr/unifieddb/trunk/Full_DB unrar e UDB_0.10.3_Core_6240_SD2_473.rar On créé les bases de données : cd /home/wowsvr/mangos/mangos/sql/ mysql -u root -p mysql> source create_mysql.sql mysql> use characters ; mysql> source characters.sql mysql> use realmd ; mysql> source realmd.sql mysql> exit cd /home/wowsvr/unifieddb/trunk/Full_DB/ mysql -u root -p mysql> use mangos ; mysql> source ../UDB_0.10.3_Core_6240_SD2_473.sql mysql> exit On met à jour la base en passant les patchs UDB dispos sous //../Updates//, on les passe **dans l'ordre** : cd ../Updates/0.10.3_additions mysql -u root -p mysql> use mangos ; mysql> source 358_corepatch_mangos_6241_to_6346.sql mysql> use characters ; mysql> use mangos ; mysql> source 358_updatepack_mangos.sql mysql> source 359_corepatch_mangos_6347_to_6439.sql mysql> use realmd; mysql> source 359_corepatch_realmd_6347_to_6439.sql mysql> use mangos ; mysql> source 359_updatepack_mangos.sql mysql> use mangos ; mysql> source 360_corepatch_mangos_6440_to_6539.sql mysql> source 360_updatepack_mangos.sql mysql> use realmd ; mysql> source 360_corepatch_realmd_6440_to_6539.sql mysql> exit Maintenant on patche en prenant les updates fournis par Mangos > 6539, toujours **dans l'ordre** : cd /home/wowsvr/mangos/mangos/sql/updates/ ls -1 *mangos*.sql|egrep "^6[5-9]"|egrep -v "^62[0-3]|^64[2-4]"|while read i do mysql -u root --password=PASSWORD mangos < $i done Ensuite on patche la base mangos avec ScriptDev2((Moteur d'AI plus développé))/Acid((Compléments de ScriptDev2)). On recupère les fichiers pour patcher la base Mangos avec ces 2 composants : cd /home/wowsvr svn co http://sd2-acid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sd2-acid/ cd /home/wowsvr/scriptdev2/sql mysql -u root -p mysql> use mangos ; mysql> source mangos_full_scripts.sql mysql> exit cd /home/wowsvr/sd2-acid/full_release/0.0.3 mysql -u root -p mysql> use mangos ; mysql> source 003_acid_631_mangos.sql mysql> exit Puis on repasse la requête mangos full au ças où Acid ait foutu la grouille (rare mais déjà produit) : cd /home/wowsvr/scriptdev2/sql mysql -u root -p mysql> use mangos ; mysql> source mangos_full_scripts.sql mysql> exit ==== Base scriptdev2 ==== De la même façon on patch dans cet ordre : cd /home/wowsvr/scriptdev2/sql mysql -u root -p mysql> source create_database.sql mysql> use scriptdev2 ; mysql> source scriptdev2_structure.sql mysql> exit cd /home/wowsvr/sd2-acid/full_release/0.0.2 mysql -u root -p mysql> use scriptdev2 ; mysql> source 003_acid_631_scriptdev.sql mysql> source ../../../scriptdev2/sql/updates/rXXX_scriptdev2.sql -> on passe les SQL > 631 mysql> exit ==== Traductions ==== On passe maintenant aux traductions (on peut aussi récupérer des traductions ici http://wowdb.fr/showthread.php?tid=8405, à tester) : cd /home/wowsvr svn co http://svn.assembla.com/svn/wowpfr cd /home/wowsvr/wowpfr/public mysql -u root -p mysql> use mangos ; mysql> source mangos_principale_fr.sql mysql> source mangos_secondaire_fr.sql mysql> use scriptdev2 ; mysql> source _SD2_Traduction_principale_FR.sql mysql> source _SD2_Traduction_secondaire_FR.sql mysql> exit Si on a ces erreurs : ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 7: Table 'scriptdev2.localized_texts' doesn't exist C'est normal, la localisation n'est pas encore finie. On choisit un nom pour le serveur, on ajoute son adresse IP (locale ou internet au choix) et on spécifie un password pour le user mangos : mysql -u root -p mysql> use realmd ; mysql> UPDATE realmlist SET `name` = 'nom_du_serveur'; mysql> UPDATE realmlist SET `address` = 'AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD'; mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR mangos@localhost=PASSWORD('mangos'); mysql> exit :!: J'ai remarqué un bug, lorsqu'on débute la partie le diablotin serviteur du maître démoniste est agressif et surtout level 46 ... Il faut modifier sa faction pour éviter de se faire oneshot. J'ai mis //Friendly//, voir http://wiki.udbforums.org/index.php/Faction.dbc pour la liste des factions et les IDs. mysql -u root -p mysql> use mangos ; mysql> UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = '31', `faction_H` = '31' WHERE `creature_template`.`entry` =12922 LIMIT 1; mysql> exit >> Ce truc n'est peut être plus d'actualité, vérifier la faction avec un //SELECT faction_A, faction_H from creature_template WHERE `creature_template`.`entry` = 12922;// dans la base //mangos//. Bravo, le plus dur est fait :) ===== Fichiers de conf ===== Dans les fichiers de conf suivants modifier le password ou les autres infos le cas échéant : wowsvr@WoWvm:~/mangos/etc$ grep * mangosd.conf:LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;PASSWORD;realmd" mangosd.conf:WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;PASSWORD;mangos" mangosd.conf:CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;PASSWORD;characters" realmd.conf:LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;PASSWORD;realmd" scriptdev2.conf:ScriptDev2DatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;PASSWORD;scriptdev2" :!: Modifier aussi la directive //DataDir// dans //mangosd.conf// pour pointer vers le répertoire qui contient les répertoires //vmaps//, //maps// et //dbc//. On peut utiliser **../**\\ :!: Le paramètre //vmap.enableLOS = 1// permet une meilleure gestion de l'espace.\\ :!: Le fichier //scriptdev2.conf// se trouve sous ///home/wowsvr/trunk/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/scriptdev2.conf//.\\ :!: Le paramètre //LogsDir// permet d'éviter d'avoir les logs dans le répertoire //bin///. On peut aussi modifier le fichier de conf //mangosd.conf// pour changer le jeu : wowsvr@WoWvm:~/mangos/etc$ grep -i Rate mangosd.conf |egrep "XP|Money"|egrep -v "^#|70" Rate.Drop.Money = 5 Rate.XP.Kill = 5 Rate.XP.Quest = 5 Rate.XP.Explore = 5 La on multiplie l'XP par 5 lors d'un kill de mob, d'une qûete ou de la visite d'une nouvelle zone. L'argent est aussi multiplié par 5. Le fichier est bien commenté et contient pas mal de paramètres. ====== Utilisation ====== ===== Démarrage ===== Pour démarrer, on peut créer un script sous ///home/wowsvr/mangos/bin/mangos// : #!/bin/bash [[ $# -ne 1 ]] && echo "./mangos stop ou ./mangos start" && exit case $1 in start) for i in realmd worldd do screen -A -m -d -S $i ~/mangos/bin/mangos-$i echo "Lancement de mangos-$i : OK" done ;; stop) for i in realmd worldd do killall mangos-$i echo "Arret de mangos-$i : OK" done ;; restart) ~/mangos/bin/mangos stop echo ~/mangos/bin/mangos start ;; status) clear for i in realmd worldd do echo "Status de mangos-$i" lsof -a -p `ps au|grep $i|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'` -i 2>/dev/null|grep LISTEN echo done ;; *) echo "Mauvais choix ... stop, start, restart ou status" esac Puis on lance le tout : cd ~/mangos/bin ./mangos start Pour lister les screens : screen -list Pour s'y connecter : screen -r nom_du_screen ===== Firewall ===== :!: Pour un serveur online il faut ouvrir les ports TCP 3724 et 8085. Pour ma part je n'autorise que certaines IPs : for port in 3724 8085 do /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $port -j DROP done for ip in AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD EEE.FFF.GGG.HHH do for port in 3724 8085 do /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --sport 1024: --dport $port -s $ip -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1024: --sport $port -s $ip -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT done done ===== Commandes, exemples, etc ===== ==== Les bases ==== Si tout est OK ca donne ca : wowsvr@WoWvm:~$ screen -list There are screens on: 17266.worldd (Detached) 17262.realmd (Detached) 2 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-wowsvr. wowsvr@WoWvm:~$ screen -r 17266.worldd Next game event check in 2535 seconds. Game Event system initialized. WORLD: World initialized ... snip ... snip ... snip ... snip ... help - Display this help message. broadcast - Announce in-game message. create - Create account. delete - Delete account and characters. chardelete - Delete character. info - Display Server infomation. uptime - Displays the server uptime. motd - Change or display motd. kick - Kick user. ban - Ban account|ip. listbans - List bans. unban - Remove ban from account|ip. setgm - Edit user privileges. setpass - Set password for account. setbc - Set user expansion allowed. listgm - Display user privileges. loadscripts - Load script library. setloglevel - Set Log Level. corpses - Manually call corpses erase global even code. version - Display server version. idleshutdown - Shutdown server with some delay when there are no active connections remaining. shutdown - Shutdown server with some delay. exit - Shutdown server NOW. writepdump - Write a player dump to a file. loadpdump - Load a player dump from a file. saveall - Save all players. send - Send message to a player. tele - Teleport player to location. plimit - Show or set player login limitations. mangos> * Créer un compte GM avec BC activé : mangos> create toto password mangos> setbc toto 1 mangos> setgm toto 3 ==== Tips ==== * Une fois GM on peut utiliser tout un tas de commandes : **.level** : pour passer un level\\ **.level 10** : prendre 10 levels\\ **.modify money 100000** : ajouter 100 000 pièces de cuivre\\ D'autres commandes sont listées ici : http://www.reaper-x.com/2007/09/21/wow-mangos-gm-game-master-commands/ http://www.mangosproject.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=25135&hl=commands On peut créer des armes en bidouillant la base de données (cf. http://wiki.udbforums.org) et même certains sites mâchent le travail : http://wow-v.com. On créé son arme et le site génère le code SQL à injecter dans la base de données. On peut faire la même chose pour les mobs, les PNJs, etc. On peut aussi s'attribuer des objets, par ex. [[http://worldofwarcraft.judgehype.com/index.php?page=bc-obj&w=34540,0|celui-ci]], il suffit de taper //.additem 34540//, ou bien chercher les compétences dans la base de données et se les attribuer avec //.learn// ou //.setskill//. * Trouver les ID : Soit en ouvrant la base de données et en regardant dans les tables : //item_template// pour les items, //creature_template// pour les creatures. Pour les spells , les locations des .tele , etc (regardez les contenus des tables tout est là). Soit en allant sur ces sites pour récupérer les IDs dans l'URL : http://wow.allakhazam.com\\ http://www.thottbot.com\\ http://www.wowdbu.com\\ http://worldofwarcraft.judgehype.com\\ http://www.wowhead.com\\ http://wow.mmodb.com MiniManager est un frontend web très utile pour gérer ses serveurs, cf. plus bas. ==== Annexes ==== Ci-dessous les IDs d'un paquet d'entités : ++++Armures, Armes, Métiers, Langues et Portails| les armures: tissu .learn 9078 .setskill 415 1 1 Armures: cuir .learn 9077 .setskill 414 1 1 maille .learn 8737 .setskill 413 1 1 plate .learn 750 .setskill 293 1 1 Les armes: dague .learn 1180 .setskill 173 300 300 epee .learn 201 .setskill 43 300 300 epee a 2 mains .learn 202 .setskill 55 300 300 haches .learn 196 .setskill 44 300 300 hache a 2 mains .learn 197 .setskill 172 300 300 masse .learn 198 .setskill 54 300 300 masses a 2mains .learn 199 .setskill 160 300 300 arme de pugilat .setskill 473 300 300 arme d'hast .setskill 229 300 300 baguette .learn 5009 .setskill 228 300 300 batons .learn 227 .setskill 136 300 300 arme de jet .learn 2567 .setskill 176 300 300 arbalete .setskill 226 300 300 arc .learn 264 .setskill 45 300 300 arme a feu .learn 266 .setskill 46 300 300 defense .setskill 95 300 300 main nue .learn 203 .setskill 162 300 300 Les métiers: Herboriste .learn 2372 (Apprenti) .learn 2373 (Compagnon) .learn 3571 (Expert) .learn 11994 (Artisan) .setskill 182 300 300 Mineur .learn (Apprenti) .learn (Compagnon) .learn (Expert) .learn (Artisan) .setskill 186 300 300 D?peceur .learn 8615 (Apprenti) .learn 8619 (Compagnon) .learn 8620 (Expert) .learn 10769 (Artisan) .setskill 393 300 300 Alchemiste .learn 2275 (Apprenti) .learn 3101 (Compagnon) .learn 3464 (Expert) .learn 11611 (Artisan) .setskill 171 300 300 Forgeron .learn 2020 (Apprenti) .learn 2021 (Compagnon) .learn 3539 (Expert) .learn 9785 (Artisan) .setskill 164 300 300 Ing?nieur .learn 4036 (Apprenti) .learn 4037 (Compagnon) .learn 4038 (Expert) .learn 12656 ou 12657 (Artisan) .setskill 202 300 300 Enchanteur .setskill 333 300 300 Travail du Cuir .setskill 165 300 300 Tailleur .setskill 197 300 300 Cuisinier .setskill 185 300 300 Couturier .setskill 197 300 300 Pecheur .setskill 356 300 300 Premier Soins .setskill 129 300 300 Les langues Alliance commun .learn 668 .setskill 98 300 300 darnassien .learn 671 .setskill 113 300 300 nain .learn 672 .setskill 111 300 300 gnome .learn 7340 .setskill 313 300 300 Les langues Horde orc .learn 669 .setskill 109 300 300 troll .learn 7341 .setskill 315 300 300 tauren .learn 670 .setskill 115 300 300 toutes les langues .learn all_lang Montures .learn 33388 apprentis .learn 34091 artisan .learn 34090 expert .learn 33391 Journeyman (Sort invocation d'un Drake du Néant) .learn 3363 Monte de Cheval .learn 6743 .additem 2411 (Bride d'Etalon Noir - Niveau 40) .additem 2413 (Palomino - Niveau 40) .additem 2414 (Bride de Pinto - Niveau 40) .additem 2415 (Etalon Blanc - Niveau 40) .additem 5655 (BJumeant Baie - Niveau 40) .additem 5656 (Bride de Cheval Brun - Niveau 40) .additem 12353 (Bride d'Etalon Blanc - Niveau 60) .additem 12354 (Bride de Palomino - Niveau 60) .additem 18778 (Palefroi Blanc Rapide - Niveau 60) .additem 18776 (Palommino Rapide - Niveau 60) Monte de B?lier .learn 6744 .additem 5864 (B?lier Gris - Niveaux 40) .additem 5872 (B?lier Brun - Niveaux 40) .additem 5873 (B?lier Blanc - Niveaux 40) .additem 5874 (B?lier Noir - Niveaux 40) .additem 5864 (B?lier Gris - Niveau 40) .additem 5872 (B?lier Brun - Niveau 40) .additem 5873 (B?lier Blanc - Niveau 40) .additem 5874 (B?lier Noir - Niveau 40) .additem 5875 (B?lier Bleu - Niveau 40) .additem 13328 (B?lier Noir - Niveaux 60) .additem 13329 (B?lier Blanc - Niveaux 60) .additem 18785 (B?lier blanc Rapide - Niveau 60) .additem 18786 (B?lier Brun Rapide - Niveau 60) Monte de Tigre .learn 6745 .additem 8627 (R?nes de Sabres-de-Nuit - Niveau 40) .additem 8629 (R?nes de Sabres-de-Nuit ray? - Niveau 40) .additem 8632 (R?nes de Sabre-de-Givre Tachet? - Niveau 40) .additem 8631 (R?nes de Tigre ? Dent de Sable Blanc ray? - Niveau 40) .additem 18766 (R?nes de Dents de Sabre Blanc Rapide - Niveau 60) .additem 18767 (R?nes de Dents de Sabre des Brumes Rapide - Niveau 60) .additem 18902 (R?nes de Dents de Sabre des Temp?tes Rapide - Niveau 60) .additem 12302 (R?nes de Sabre-de-Givre - Niveau 60) .additem 12303 (R?nes de Sabre-de-Nuit - Niveau 60) Monte de Loup .learn 6746 .additem 1132 (Corne du Loup des Bois - Niveau 40) .additem 5663 (Corne du Loup rouge - Niveau 40) .additem 5665 (Corne du Loup Sauvage - Niveau 40) .additem 5668 (Corne du Loup Brun - Niveau 40) .additem 12330 (Corne du Loup rouge - Niveau 60) .additem 12351 (Corne du Loup Arctique - Niveau 60) .additem 5875 (B?lier Bleu) Monte de Raptor .learn 10863 .additem 8588 (Sifflet de Raptor Emeraude - Niveau 40) .additem 8591 (Sifflet de Raptor Turquoise - Niveau 40) .additem 8592 (Sifflet de Raptor Violet - Niveau 40) .additem 8586 (Sifflet de Raptor Rouge - Niveaux 60) .additem 13317 (Sifflet de Raptor Ivoire - Niveau 60) .additem 18790 (Raptor Orange Rapide - Niveau 60) .additem 18789 (Raptor Vert Rapide - Niveau 60) Pilotage de M?chanoStrider .learn 10908 .additem 8595 (M?canoStrider Bleu - Niveau 40) .additem 8563 (M?canoStrider Rouge - Niveau 40) .additem 13321 (M?canoStrider Vert - Niveau 40) .additem 13322 (M?canoStrider Brut - Niveau 40) .additem 18773 (M?canostrider Blanc Rapide - Niveau 60) .additem 13327 (M?canostrider bleu Clair Mod A - Niveau 60) .additem 13326 (M?cano Strider Blanc Mod A - Niveau 60) Monte d'Etalon Skeletique .learn 10921 .additem 13332 (Etalon Squellettique Bleu - Niveau 40) .additem 13333 (Etalon Squellettique Marron - Niveau 40) .additem 13331 (Etalon Squellettique Rouge - Niveau 40) .additem 8583 (Etalon Squellettique - Niveau 40) .additem 18791 (Cheval de Guerre Skelette Violet - Niveau 60) .additem 13334 (Cheval de Guerre Skelettique Vert - Niveau 60) Monte de Kodo .learn 18996 .additem 15277 (Kodo Gris - Niveau 40) .additem 15290 (Kodo Marron - Niveau 40) .additem 15292 (Kodo Vert - Niveau 60) .additem 15293 (Kodo Bleu Ciel - Niveau 60) .additem 18795 (Grand Kodo Gris - Niveau 60) Les Portails: Portail pour Stormwind .addgo 176296 Portail pour Darnassus .addgo 176498 Portail pour Ironforge .addgo 176497 Portail pour Orgrimmar .addgo 176499 Portail pour Thunder Bluff .addgo 176500 Portail pour Undercity .addgo 176501 Autre: avoire toutes les competance actuelles au max : .maxskill aprendre tout les pouvoire de sa class : .learn all_myclass ++++ ++++Commandes GM| SETSKILL xx yy zz ou xx = le skill yy valeur donné zz valeur maxi .lookupi nom de l'item (Ainsi, tu verras la liste des items que tu cherches) .lookupc nom de la creature .lookupo nom de l'objet de décor ================== User commands: GM lvl: 0 ================== .acct : Syntax: .acct Display the access level of your account. *** .commands : Syntax: .commands Display a list of available commands for your account level. *** .dismount : Syntax: .dismount Dismount you, if you are mounted. *** .gmlist : Syntax: .gmlist Display a list of available Game Masters. *** .help : Syntax: .help $command Display usage instructions for the given $command. *** .info : Syntax: .info Display the number of connected players. *** .save : Syntax: .save Saves your character. *** .showhonor : Syntax: .showhonor Display your honor ranking. *** .start : Syntax: .start Teleport you to the starting area of your character. *** .lockaccount : Syntax: .lockaccount [on|off] Allow login from account only from current used IP or remove this requirement. *** ================== Mod commands: GM lvl 1 ================== .visible : Syntax: .visible [0||1] Output current visibility state or make GM visible(1) and invisible(0) for other players. *** .additem : Syntax: .additem #itemid/[#itemname]/#shift-click-item-link #itemcount Adds the specified number of items of id #itemid (or exact (!) name $itemname in brackets, or link created by shift-click at item in inventory or recipe) to your or selected character inventory. If #itemcount is omitted, only one item will be added. . *** .additemset : Syntax: .additemset #itemsetid Add items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character inventory. Will add by one example each item from itemset. *** .announce : Syntax: .announce $MessageToBroadcast Send a global message to all players online. *** .die : Syntax: .die Kill the selected player or creature. If no player or creature selected, it will kill you. *** .explorecheat : Syntax: .explorecheat #flag Reveal or hide all maps for the selected player. If no player is selected, hide or reveal maps to you. Use a #flag of value 1 to reveal, use a #flag value of 0 to hide all maps. *** .gmoff : Syntax: .gmoff Disable the prefix for your character. *** .gmon : Syntax: .gmon Enable the prefix for your character. *** .go : Syntax: .go #position_x #position_y #position_z #mapid Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified map. *** .goname : Syntax: .goname $charactername Teleport to the given character. Either specify the character name or click on the character's portait, e.g. when you are in a group. *** .gps : Syntax: .gps Display the position information for a selected character or creature. Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id *** .learn : Syntax: .learn #parameter Selected character learn a spell of id #parameter. A GM can use .learn all if he wants to learn all default spells for Game Masters, .learn all_lang to learn all languages, and .learn all_myclass to learn all spells available for his class (Character selection in these cases ignored). *** .learnsk : Syntax: .learnsk #skillId #level #max Learn a skill of id #skill with a current skill value of #level and a maximum value of #max for the selected character. If no character is selected, you learn the skill. *** .levelup : Syntax: .levelup [$playername] [#numberoflevels] Increase/decrease the level of character with $playername (or the selected if not name provided) by #numberoflevels Or +1 if no #numberoflevels provided). If #numberoflevels is omitted, the level will be increase by 1. If #numberoflevels is 0, the same level will be restarted. If no character is selected and name not provided, increase your level. Command can be used for offline character. All stats and dependent values recalculated. At level decrease talents can be reset if need. Also at level decrease equipped items with greater level requirement can be lost. *** .modify : Syntax: .modify $parameter $value Modify the value of various parameters. Use .help modify $parameter to get help on specific parameter usage. Supported parameters include hp, mana, rage, energy, gold, level, speed, swim, scale, bit, bwalk, aspeed, faction, and spell. *** .modify aspeed : Syntax: .modify aspeed #rate Modify all speeds -run,swim,run back,swim back- of the selected player to "normalbase speed for this move type"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #rate may range from 0.1 to 10. *** .modify bit : Syntax: .modify bit #field #bit Toggle the #bit bit of the #field field for the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your character. *** .modify bwalk : Syntax: .modify bwalk #rate Modify the speed of the selected player while running backwards to "normal walk back speed"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0.1 to 10. *** .modify energy : Syntax: .modify energy #energy Modify the energy of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your energy. *** .modify faction : Syntax: .modify faction #factionid #flagid #npcflagid #dynamicflagid Modify the faction and flags of the selected creature. Without arguments, display the faction and flags of the selected creature. *** .modify money : Syntax: .modify money #money .money #money Add or remove money to the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your money. #gold can be negative to remove money. *** .modify hp : Syntax: .modify hp #newhp Modify the hp of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your hp. *** .modify mana : Syntax: .modify mana #newmana Modify the mana of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your mana. *** .modify rage : Syntax: .modify rage #newrage Modify the rage of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your rage. *** .modify scale : *** .modify speed : Syntax: .modify speed #rate .speed #rate Modify the running speed of the selected player to "normal base run speed"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #rate may range from 0.1 to 10. *** .modify spell : *** .modify swim : Syntax: .modify swim #rate Modify the swim speed of the selected player to "normal swim speed"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #rate may range from 0.1 to 10. *** .namego : Syntax: .namego $charactername Teleport the given character to you. Either specify the character name or click on the player's portrait, e.g. when you are in a group. *** .recall : Syntax: .recall Teleport you to the place where you have been before using the .tele command. *** .reload : Not yet implemented. *** .revive : Syntax: .revive [$playername] Revive specified or selected player. If no player is selected, it will revive you. *** .taxicheat : Syntax: .taxicheat #flag Temporary grant access or remove to all taxi routes for the selected character. If no character is selected, hide or reveal all routes to you. Use a #flag of value 1 to add access, use a #flag value of 0 to remove access. Visited taxi nodes sill accessible after removing access. *** .unlearnsk : Syntax: .unlearnsk #parameter Unlearn a skill of id #parameter for the selected character. If no character is selected, you unlearn the skill. *** .maxskill : Syntax: .maxskill Sets all skills of the targeted player to their maximum values for its current level. *** .whispers : Syntax: .whispers on|off Enable/disable accepting whispers by GM from players. By default use mangosd.conf setting. *** .goobject : Syntax: .goobject #object_guid Teleport your character to gameobject with guid #object_guid *** .lookuptele : Syntax: .lookuptele $substring Search and output all .tele command locations with provide $substring in name. *** .playsound : Syntax: .playsound #soundid Play sound with #soundid. Sound will be play only for you. Other players do not hear this. Warning: client may have more 5000 sounds... *** .saveall : Syntax: .saveall Save all characters in game. *** .money : Syntax: .modify money #money .money #money Add or remove money to the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your money. #gold can be negative to remove money. *** .speed : Syntax: .modify speed #rate .speed #rate Modify the running speed of the selected player to "normal base run speed"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #rate may range from 0.1 to 10. *** ================== Mod commands: GM lvl 2 ================== .moveobject : Syntax: .moveobject #goguid [#x #y #z] Move gameobject #goguid to character coordinates (or to (#x,#y,#z) coordinates if its provide). *** .addmove : Syntax: .addmove #creature_guid [#waittime] Add your current location as a waypoint for creature with guid #creature_guid. And optional add wait time. *** .AddSpawn : Not yet implemented. *** .addspw : Syntax: .addspw #creatureid Spawn a creature by the given template id of #creatureid. *** .changelevel : Syntax: .changelevel #level Change the level of the selected creature to #level. #level may range from 1 to 63. *** .delete : Syntax: .delete Delete the selected creature from the world. *** .demorph : Syntax: .demorph Demorph the selected player. *** .displayid : Syntax: .displayid #displayid Change the model id of the selected creature to #displayid. *** .factionid : Syntax: .factionid #factionid Set the faction of the selected creature to #factionid. *** .guid : Syntax: .guid Display the GUID for the selected character. *** .item : Syntax: .item #guid #amount Add the given amount #amount of the item with a GUID of #guid to the selected vendor. *** .itemmove : Syntax: .itemmove #sourceslotid #destinationslotid Move an item from slots #sourceslotid to #destinationslotid in your inventory Not yet implemented *** .itemrmv : Syntax: .itemrmv #guid Remove the given item with a GUID of #guid from the selected vendor. *** .kick : Syntax: .kick [$charactername] Kick the given character from the world. If no character name provide then selected player (except self) will be kicked. *** .name : Syntax: .name $name Change the name of the selected creature or character to $name. Command disabled. *** .npcflag : Syntax: .npcflag #npcflag Set the NPC flags of creature template of the selected creature and selected creature to #npcflag. NPC flags will applied to all creatures of selected creature template after server restart or grid unload/load. *** .prog : Syntax: .prog Teleport you to Programmers Island. *** .setmovetype : Syntax: .setmovetype [#creature_guid] stay/random/way Set for creature pointed by #creature_guid (or selected if #creature_guid not provided) movement type and move it to respawn position (if creature alive). Any existed waypoints for creature will be removed from database. If creature is dead then movement type will aplied at creature respawm. *** .run : Syntax: .run #flag Enable or disable running movement for a selected creature. Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable running. Not yet implemented. *** .subname : Syntax: .subname $Name Change the subname of the selected creature or player to $Name. Command disabled. *** .ticket : Syntax: .ticket on .ticket off .ticket #num .ticket $character_name on/off for GMs to show or not a new ticket directly, $character_name to show ticket of this character, #num to show ticket #num. *** .delticket : Syntax: .delticket all .delticket #num .delticket $character_name all to dalate all tickets at server, $character_name to delete ticket of this character, #num to delete ticket #num. *** .gocreature : Syntax: .gocreature #creature_guid Teleport your character to creature with guid #creature_guid. *** .targetobject : Syntax: .targetobject [#go_id|#go_name_part] Locate and show position nearest gameobject. If #go_id or #go_name_part provide then locate and show position of nearest gameobject with gameobject template id #go_id or name included #go_name_part as part. *** .delobject : Syntax: .delobject #go_guid Delete gameobject with guid #go_guid. *** .pinfo : Syntax: .pinfo [$player_name] [rep] Output account information for selected player or player find by $player_name. If "rep" parameter provided show reputation information for player. *** .turnobject : Syntax: .turnobject #goguid Set for gameobject #goguid orientation same as current character orientation. *** .spawndist : Syntax: .spawndist #dist Adjust spawndistance of selected creature to dist. *** .spawntime : Syntax: .spawntime #time Adjust spawntime of selected creature to time. *** ================== Administrator commands: GM lvl 3 ================== .addgo : Syntax: .addgo #id Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current location using the #id. Note: this is a copy of .gameobject. *** .cooldown : Syntax: .cooldown [#spell_id] Remove all (if spell_id not provided) or #spel_id spell cooldown from selected character or you (if no selection). *** .lookupquest : Syntax: .lookupquest $namepart Looks up a quest by $namepart, and returns all matches with their quest ID's. *** .addweapon : Not yet implemented. *** .allowmove : Syntax: .allowmove Enable or disable movement for the selected creature. *** .anim : Syntax: .anim #emoteid Play emote #emoteid for your character. *** .aura : Syntax: .aura #spellid Add the aura from spell #spellid to your character. *** .bank : Syntax: .bank Show your bank inventory. *** .createguild : Syntax: .createguild $GuildName $GuildLeaderName Create a guild named $GuildName with the player $GuildLeaderName as leader. *** .distance : Syntax: .distance Display the distance from your character to the selected creature. *** .emote : Syntax: .emote #emoteid Make the selected creature emote with an emote of id #emoteid. *** .gameobject : Syntax: .gameobject #id Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current position using the #id. *** .getvalue : Syntax: .getvalue #field #isInt Get the field #field of the selected creature. If no creature is selected, get the content of your field. Use a #isInt of value 1 if the expected field content is an integer. *** .hidearea : Syntax: .hidearea #areaid Hide the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, hide this area to you. *** .hover : Syntax: .hover #flag Enable or disable hover mode for your character. Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable hover. *** .linkgrave : Syntax: .linkgrave #graveyard_id [alliance|horde] Link current zone to graveyard for any (or alliance/horde faction ghosts). This let character ghost from zone teleport to graveyard after die if graveyard is nearest from linked to zone and accept ghost of this faction. Add only single graveyard at another map and only if no graveyards linked (or planned linked at same map). *** .loadscripts : Syntax: .loadscripts $scriptlibraryname Unload current and load the script library $scriptlibraryname or reload current if $scriptlibraryname omitted, in case you changed it while the server was running. *** .Mod32Value : Syntax: .Mod32Value #field #value Add #value to field #field of your character. *** .morph : Syntax: .morph #displayid Change your current model id to #displayid. *** .neargrave : Syntax: .neargrave [alliance|horde] Find nearest graveyard linked to zone (or only nearest from accepts alliance or horde faction ghosts). *** .NewMail : Syntax: .NewMail #flag Send a new mail notification with flag #flag. *** .npcinfo : Syntax: .npcinfo Display a list of details for the selected creature. The list includes: - GUID, Faction, NPC flags, Entry ID, Model ID, - Level, - Health (current/maximum), - Field flags, dynamic flags, faction template, - Position information, - and the creature type, e.g. if the creature is a vendor. *** .npcinfoset : Syntax: .npcinfoset TODO: Write me. *** .object : Syntax: .object #displayid $save Add a new object of type mailbox with the display id of #displayid to your current position. If $save is set to 'true', save the object in the database. *** .QNM : Syntax: .QNM #flag Query next mail time with flag #flag. *** .security : Syntax: .security $name #level Set the security level of player $name to a level of #level. #level may range from 0 to 5. *** .setvalue : Syntax: .setvalue #field #value #isInt Set the field #field of the selected creature with value #value. If no creature is selected, set the content of your field. Use a #isInt of value 1 if #value is an integer. *** .showarea : Syntax: .showarea #areaid Reveal the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, reveal this area to you. *** .standstate : Syntax: .standstate #emoteid Change the emote of your character while standing to #emoteid. *** .transport : Not yet implemented. *** .unaura : Syntax: .unaura #spellid Remove aura due to spell #spellid from your character. *** .unlearn : Syntax: .unlearn #startspell #endspell Unlearn for selected player the range of spells between id #startspell and #endspell. If no #endspell is provided, just unlearn spell of id #startspell. *** .update : Syntax: .update #field #value Update the field #field of the selected character or creature with value #value. If no #value is provided, display the content of field #field. *** .wchange : Syntax: .wchange #weathertype #status Set current weather to #weathertype with an intensitiy of #status. #weathertype can be 1 for rain, 2 for snow, and 3 for sand. #status can be 0 for disabled, and 1 for enabled. *** .worldport : Syntax: .worldport #map #position_x #position_y #position_z Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified continent (map). *** .reset : Syntax: .reset level Reset level to 1 including reset stats and talents. Equipped items with greater level requirement can be lost. .reset spells Removes all non-original spells from spellbook. .reset stats Resets(recalculate) all stats of the targeted player to their original values at current level. .reset talents Removes all talents of the targeted player. *** .shutdown : Syntax: .shutdown seconds *** .cshutdown : Syntax: .cshutdown Cancels shuttdown *** .goxy : Syntax: .goxy #x #y [#mapid] Teleport player to point with (#x,#y) coordinates at ground(water) level at map #mapid or same map if #mapid not provided. *** .lookupitem : Syntax: .lookupitem $itemname Looks up an item by $itemname, and returns all matches with their Item ID's. *** .lookupcreature : Syntax: .lookupcreature $namepart Looks up a creature by $namepart, and returns all matches with their creature ID's. *** .lookupskill : Syntax: .lookupskill $$namepart Looks up a skill by $namepart, and returns all matches with their skill ID's. *** .idleshutdown : Syntax: .idleshutdown #delay|cancel Shut the server down after #delay seconds if no active connections are present (no players) or cancel the shutdown if cancel value is used. *** .banaccount : Syntax: .banaccount $name Ban account $name (can be viewed by players by using the .pinfo command) and kick affected players currently logged in. *** .banip : Syntax: .banip #ip Bans logging into the server from computers with the provided IP address, and kicks all affected players. *** .unbanaccount : Syntax: .unbanaccount $name Unban account $name. *** .unbanip : Syntax: .unbanip #ip Unban provide IP address. *** .addquest : Syntax: .addquest #quest_id Add to character quest log quest #quest_id. Quest started from item can't be added by this command but correct .additem call provided in command output. *** .lookupspell : Syntax: .lookupspell $namepart Looks up a spell by $namepart, and returns all matches with their spell ID's. *** .respawn : Syntax: .respawn Respawn all nearest creatures and GO without waiting respawn time expiration. *** ..lookupobject : Syntax: .lookupobject $objname Looks up an gameobject by $objname, and returns all matches with their Gameobject ID's. *** ..listcreature : Syntax: .listcreature #creature_id [#max_count] Output creatures with creature id #creature_id found in world. Output creature guids and coordinates sorted by distance from character. Will be output maximum #max_count creatures. If #max_count not provided use 10 as default value. *** ..listobject : Syntax: .listobject #gameobject_id [#max_count] Output gameobjects with gameobject id #gameobject_id found in world. Output gameobject guids and coordinates sorted by distance from character. Will be output maximum #max_count gameobject. If #max_count not provided use 10 as default value. *** ..listitem : Syntax: .listitem #item_id [#max_count] Output items with item id #item_id found in all character inventories, mails and auctions. Output item guids, item owner guid, owner account and owner name. Will be output maximum #max_count items. If #max_count not provided use 10 as default value. *** .lookupitemset : Syntax: .lookupitemset $itemname Looks up an item set by $itemname, and returns all matches with their Item set ID's. *** .addgrave : *** ++++ ++++IDs portails| Befehl ID Typ __________________________________________________________ .addgo 200002 Portal nach Ratchet ( kein Normales ) _________________________________________________________ .addgo 176501 Unterstadt .addgo 176500 Donnerfles .addgo 182351 Exodar .addgo 181146 Karazhan .addgo 182352 Silbermond .addgo 183384 Shattrath .addgo 184594 Shattrath ( ? ) .addgo 184604 Socrethar's Seat .addgo 184605 Nethersturm .addgo 176497 Eisenschmiede .addgo 176296 Sturmwind .addgo 176499 orgrimmar .addgo 176498 Darnassus .addgo 200001 Portal zu den Allianz-Schlachtfeldern ______________________________________________________________ .addgo 183317 Darnassus ( Schattrathportal ) .addgo 183321 Exodar ( Schattrathportal ) .addgo 183322 Eisenschmiede ( Schattrathportal ) .addgo 183323 orgrimmar ( Schattrathportal ) .addgo 183324 Silbermond ( Schattrathportal ) .addgo 183325 Sturmwind ( Schattrathportal ) .addgo 183326 Donnerfels ( Schattrathportal ) .addgo 183327 Unterstadt ( Schattrathportal ) ++++ ++++Skills + métiers| Specialisation du Travail du cuir : Travail des ecaille de dragon : 10656 Travail des element : 10658 Travail des cuir tribal : 10660 Specialisation Forgeron : Armure : 9788 Epee : 17039 Marteau : 17040 Hache : 17041 Skill ID Liste ex:.setskill 171 300 300 apprends skill alchemy 300/300 355 Affliction 171 Alchemy 237 Arcane 26 Arms 253 Assassination 230 Attribute Enhancements 44 Axes 574 Balance 50 Beast Mastery 513 Beast Tracking 261 Beast Training 164 Blacksmithing 45 Bows 415 Cloth 38 Combat 184 Combat 185 Cooking 226 Crossbows 173 Daggers 95 Defense 234 Defensive Talents 516 Demon Tracking 354 Demonology 593 Destruction 613 Discipline 518 Dragon Tracking 118 Dual Wield 101 Dwarven Racial 375 Elemental Combat 519 Elemental Tracking 333 Enchanting 202 Engineering 373 Enhancement 134 Feral Combat 8 Fire 129 First Aid 356 Fishing 473 Fist Weapons 6 Frost 256 Fury 183 GENERIC (DND) 46 Guns 182 Herbalism 56 Holy 594 Holy 148 Horse Riding 514 Humanoid Tracking 98 Language: Common 113 Language: Darnassian 139 Language: Demon Tongue 138 Language: Draconic 111 Language: Dwarven 313 Language: Gnomish 673 Language: Gutterspeak 141 Language: Old Tongue 109 Language: Orcish 115 Language: Taurahe 137 Language: Thalassian 140 Language: Titan 315 Language: Troll 414 Leather 165 Leatherworking 633 Lockpicking 54 Maces 233 Magic Talents 413 Mail 553 Mechanostrider Piloting 186 Mining 126 Night Elf Racial 125 Orc Racial 51 Outdoorsmanship 653 Pet - Bat 210 Pet - Bear 211 Pet - Boar 213 Pet - Carrion Bird 209 Pet - Cat 214 Pet - Crab 212 Pet - Crocilisk 207 Pet - Doomguard 189 Pet - Felhunter 215 Pet - Gorilla 654 Pet - Hyena 188 Pet - Imp 206 Pet - Infernal 655 Pet - Owl 217 Pet - Raptor 236 Pet - Scorpid 203 Pet - Spider 205 Pet - Succubus 270 Pet - Talents 218 Pet - Tallstrider 251 Pet - Turtle 204 Pet - Voidwalker 656 Pet - Wind Serpent 208 Pet - Wolf 293 Plate Mail 40 Poisons 229 Polearms 257 Protection 267 Protection 220 Racial - Undead 152 Ram Riding 163 Ranged Combat 533 Raptor Riding 374 Restoration 573 Restoration 78 Shadow Magic 433 Shield 393 Skinning 231 Slayer Talents 227 Spears 136 Staves 39 Subtlety 142 Survival 155 Swimming 43 Swords 197 Tailoring 124 Tauren Racial 176 Thrown 150 Tiger Riding 172 Two-Handed Axes 160 Two-Handed Maces 55 Two-Handed Swords 162 Unarmed 554 Undead Horsemanship 517 Undead Tracking 228 Wands 222 Weapon Talents 149 Wolf Riding Skills .setskill ID 355 Affliction (545) 171 Alchemy (1371) 237 Arcane (1135) 26 Arms (2962) 253 Assassination (2903) 230 Attribute Enhancements (2880) 44 Axes (2991) 574 Balance (1363) 50 Beast Mastery (3001) 513 Beast Tracking (2616) 261 Beast Training (1282) 164 Blacksmithing (3507) 45 Bows (2996) 415 Cloth (1080) 38 Combat (2967) 184 Combat (2967) 185 Cooking (3751) 226 Crossbows (184) 173 Daggers (3722) 95 Defense (1863) 234 Defensive Talents (281) 516 Demon Tracking (1297) 354 Demonology (534) 593 Destruction (299) 613 Discipline (2935) 518 Dragon Tracking (1328) 118 Dual Wield (3122) 101 Dwarven Racial (3050) 375 Elemental Combat (1018) 519 Elemental Tracking (1344) 333 Enchanting (1966) 202 Engineering (4147) 373 Enhancement (1006) 134 Feral Combat (993) 8 Fire (393) 129 First Aid (3150) 356 Fishing (556) 473 Fist Weapons (2735) 6 Frost (2956) 256 Fury (1778) 183 GENERIC (DND) (3737) 46 Guns (398) 182 Herbalism (1560) 56 Holy (1783) 594 Holy (1783) 148 Horse Riding (3407) 514 Humanoid Tracking (2631) 98 Language: Common (456) 113 Language: Darnassian (3083) 139 Language: Demon Tongue (500) 138 Language: Draconic (3358) 111 Language: Dwarven (3065) 313 Language: Gnomish (2917) 673 Language: Gutterspeak (1841) 141 Language: Old Tongue (3377) 109 Language: Orcish (2649) 115 Language: Taurahe (3104) 137 Language: Thalassian (2714) 140 Language: Titan (2835) 315 Language: Troll (484) 414 Leather (1035) 165 Leatherworking (788) 633 Lockpicking (1788) 54 Maces (3031) 233 Magic Talents (1268) 413 Mail (417) 553 Mechanostrider Piloting (1156) 186 Mining (2149) 126 Night Elf Racial (3133) 125 Orc Racial (473) 51 Outdoorsmanship (3015) 653 Pet - Bat (2946) 210 Pet - Bear (69) 211 Pet - Boar (80) 213 Pet - Carrion Bird (107) 209 Pet - Cat (59) 214 Pet - Crab (126) 212 Pet - Crocilisk (91) 207 Pet - Doomguard (1223) 189 Pet - Felhunter (3932) 215 Pet - Gorilla (1239) 654 Pet - Hyena (1800) 188 Pet - Imp (1200) 206 Pet - Infernal (33) 655 Pet - Owl (1812) 217 Pet - Raptor (137) 236 Pet - Scorpid (1121) 203 Pet - Spider (1210) 205 Pet - Succubus (1 270 Pet - Talents (403) 218 Pet - Tallstrider (150) 251 Pet - Turtle (323) 204 Pet - Voidwalker (1) 656 Pet - Wind Serpent (1822) 208 Pet - Wolf (4 293 Plate Mail (347) 40 Poisons (2983) 229 Polearms (257) 257 Protection (336) 267 Protection (336) 220 Racial - Undead (168) 152 Ram Riding (523) 163 Ranged Combat (3493) 533 Raptor Riding (1142) 374 Restoration (311) 573 Restoration (311) 78 Shadow Magic (3037) 433 Shield (2680) 393 Skinning (2395) 231 Slayer Talents (266) 227 Spears (244) 136 Staves (3351) 39 Subtlety (2974) 142 Survival (3398) 155 Swimming (3433) 43 Swords (2370) 197 Tailoring (3948) 124 Tauren Racial (2666) 176 Thrown (3730) 150 Tiger Riding (3420) 172 Two-Handed Axes (3706) 160 Two-Handed Maces (2863) 55 Two-Handed Swords (2377) 162 Unarmed (3442) 554 Undead Horsemanship (1180) 517 Undead Tracking (1312) 228 Wands (251) 222 Weapon Talents (1253) 149 Wolf Riding (2851) alch .setskill 171 300 300 -- Spells Primaires .learn 2259 .learn 2275 .learn 2280 .learn 3101 .learn 3464 .learn 3465 .learn 11611 .learn 11612 -- Potions .learn 3172 .learn 3447 .learn 3173 .learn 3174 .learn 3176 .learn 3177 .learn 7837 .learn 7256 .learn 2333 .learn 7845 .learn 3188 .learn 6624 .learn 7181 .learn 3452 .learn 3448 .learn 3449 .learn 7257 .learn 3450 .learn 6618 .learn 3451 .learn 11449 .learn 7258 .learn 7259 .learn 21923 .learn 3453 .learn 11450 .learn 3454 .learn 12609 .learn 11451 .learn 11448 .learn 11453 .learn 11456 .learn 4942 .learn 11452 .learn 11457 .learn 22808 .learn 11458 .learn 11459 .learn 11479 .learn 11480 .learn 11460 .learn 15833 .learn 11461 .learn 11464 .learn 11465 .learn 11466 .learn 11467 .learn 11468 .learn 11472 .learn 11473 .learn 11476 .learn 11477 .learn 11478 .learn 17551 .learn 3175 .learn 17552 .learn 17553 .learn 17554 .learn 17555 .learn 17187 .learn 17556 .learn 17557 .learn 17559 .learn 17561 .learn 17566 .learn 17560 .learn 17563 .learn 17562 .learn 17564 .learn 17565 .learn 24365 .learn 24366 .learn 17570 .learn 17571 .learn 17572 .learn 17573 .learn 24367 .learn 17574 .learn 17575 .learn 17576 .learn 17577 .learn 17578 .learn 24368 .learn 17580 .learn 17632 .learn 17634 .learn 17635 .learn 17636 .learn 17637 .learn 17638 .learn 22732 .learn 25146 .learn 6619 .learn 11447 .learn 17579 .learn 2330 .learn 22430 .learn 24266 .learn 26277 .learn 2329 .learn 7183 .learn 3170 .learn 3170 .learn 2331 .learn 2332 .learn 3230 .learn 4508 .learn 2334 .learn 2337 .learn 6617 .learn 2335 .learn 2336 .learn 7836 .learn 3171 .learn 7179 .learn 8240 .learn 7255 .learn 7841 black .setskill 164 300 300 .learn 2018 .learn 2020 .learn 2021 .learn 2663 .learn 2660 .learn 3100 .learn 3115 .learn 3538 .learn 3539 .learn 9785 .learn 9786 .learn 12260 .learn 260000 cook .setskill 185 300 300 -- Spells Primaires .learn 2550 .learn 2551 .learn 2552 .learn 3102 .learn 3412 .learn 3413 .learn 18260 .learn 18261 .learn 19886 .learn 19887 ench .setskill 333 300 300 .learn 7411 .learn 7412 .learn 7413 .learn 7414 .learn 7415 .learn 7416 .learn 7418 .learn 7421 .learn 13262 .learn 13920 .learn 13921 .learn 260002 engin .setskill 202 300 300 .learn 3918 .learn 3919 .learn 3920 .learn 4036 .learn 4037 .learn 4038 .learn 4039 .learn 4040 .learn 4041 .learn 12656 .learn 12657 .learn 260008 aid .setskill 129 300 300 -- Spells Primaires .learn 3273 .learn 3274 .learn 3279 .learn 3280 .learn 7924 .learn 7925 .learn 10846 .learn 10847 .learn 19902 .learn 19903 fish .setskill 356 300 300 -- Spells Primaires .learn 7620 .learn 7731 .learn 7732 .learn 7733 .learn 7734 .learn 7736 .learn 18248 .learn 18249 .learn 19889 .learn 19890 herb .setskill 182 300 300 .learn 2366 .learn 2369 .learn 2371 .learn 2372 .learn 2383 .learn 3570 .learn 3571 .learn 8387 .learn 8390 .learn 11993 .learn 11994 .learn 260003 leather .setskill 165 300 300 .learn 2108 .learn 2149 .learn 2152 .learn 2154 .learn 2155 .learn 2881 .learn 3104 .learn 3811 .learn 3812 .learn 7126 .learn 9058 .learn 9059 .learn 10662 .learn 10663 .learn 20648 .learn 260004 -- Spell Leather .learn 7953 .learn 8322 .learn 2158 .learn 9065 .learn 6703 .learn 9068 .learn 3762 .learn 3817 .learn 9070 .learn 20648 .learn 24940 .learn 2165 .learn 2167 .learn 2169 .learn 7133 .learn 7954 .learn 2168 .learn 7135 .learn 7955 .learn 3765 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.learn 2159 .learn 3761 .learn 6702 -- Dragonscale Leatherworking -- Primary Spell Dragonscale Leatherworking .learn 10656 .learn 10657 -- Spells Dragonscale Leatherworking .learn 20855 .learn 22926 .learn 23708 .learn 10619 .learn 19050 .learn 19060 .learn 19077 .learn 19085 .learn 19089 .learn 19054 .learn 19094 .learn 19107 -- Elemental Leatherworking -- Primary Spell Elemental Leatherworking .learn 10658 .learn 10659 -- Spells Elemental Leatherworking .learn 19090 .learn 19095 .learn 19101 .learn 20854 .learn 22928 .learn 23710 .learn 10630 .learn 19059 .learn 19061 .learn 19067 .learn 19076 .learn 19078 .learn 19079 -- Tribal Leatherworking -- Primary Spell Tribal Leatherworking .learn 10660 .learn 10661 -- Spells Tribal Leatherworking .learn 19097 .learn 19104 .learn 22927 .learn 23709 .learn 10621 .learn 10647 .learn 19053 .learn 19062 .learn 19063 .learn 19066 .learn 19068 .learn 19073 .learn 19074 .learn 19080 .learn 19081 .learn 19084 .learn 19086 .learn 19087 .learn 20853 min .setskill 186 300 300 .learn 2575 apprenti .learn 2576 compagnon .learn 2577 minage .learn 2578 minage .learn 2579 minage .learn 2580 decouverte de gisement .learn 2656 fondre .learn 2657 fondre cuivre .learn 3564 EXPERT .learn 10248 Artisan .learn 8388 decouv.gisement rang 2 .learn 8389 decouv.gisement rang 2 .learn 260005 skin .learn 8613 .learn 8615 .learn 8617 .learn 8618 .learn 8619 .learn 8620 .learn 10768 .learn 10769 .learn 260006 .setskill 393 300 300 tailor .learn 2387 .learn 2963 .learn 2964 .learn 3839 .learn 3908 .learn 3909 .learn 3910 .learn 3911 .learn 3912 .learn 3913 .learn 12180 .learn 12181 .learn 260007 .setskill 197 300 300 Joaillerie /Jewel crafting .learn 25229 Apprenti .learn 25230 Journeyman/compagnon .learn 28894 expert .learn 28895 Artisan .learn 28897 master avec spells a tester a koi ca correspond .learn 25245 Sort Apprenti joaillier (100 Yd range)=portée de 100 Yard ? .learn 25246 sort Journeyman/compagnon (100 Yd range) .learn 28896 sort Expert (100 Yd range) .learn 28899 Artisan (100 Yd range) .learn 28901 Master (100 Yd range) les recettes de Joaillier => http://www.thottbot.com/?t=Jewelcrafting cheval .learn 824 .setskill 148 1 1 loup .learn 825 .setskill 149 1 1 belier .learn 826 .setskill 152 1 1 tigre .learn 828 .setskill 150 1 1 raptor .learn 10863 .setskill 533 1 1 chevalsq .learn 10906 .setskill 554 1 1 mechano .learn 10908 .setskill 553 1 1 kodo .learn 18992 .setskill 713 1 1 plate .learn 750 .setskill 293 1 1 tissu .learn 9078 .setskill 415 1 1 cuir .learn 9077 .setskill 414 1 1 maille .learn 8737 .setskill 413 1 1 bouclier .learn 9116 .setskill 433 1 1 epee1 .learn 201 .setskill 43 1 1 epee2 .learn 202 .setskill 55 1 1 hache1 .learn 196 .setskill 44 1 1 hache2 .learn 197 .setskill 172 1 1 mace1 .learn 198 .setskill 54 1 1 mace2 .learn 199 .setskill 160 1 1 baton .learn 227 .setskill 136 1 1 dague .learn 1180 .setskill 173 1 1 baguet .learn 5009 .setskill 228 1 1 arc .learn 264 .learn 2480 .setskill 45 1 1 gun .learn 266 .learn 7918 .setskill 46 1 1 arba .learn 7919 .learn 5011 .setskill 226 1 1 hast .learn 200 .setskill 229 1 1 jet .learn 2567 .learn 2764 .setskill 176 1 1 pugilat .setskill 473 1 1 ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ++++ Pour se simplifier la vie, un addon pour WoW : http://code.google.com/p/thegm/downloads/list ====== Liens ====== * Monter son serveur sous Linux : http://www.crashdump.fr/world-of-warcraft/creer-son-serveur-world-of-warcraft-prive-avec-mangos-mangoslinux-52/\\ * Monter son serveur sous Windows : http://www.forum-wow.org/mangos-f67/\\ * Bien installer la base de données avec ScriptDev2 et ACID : http://www.udbforums.org/index.php?showtopic=9543&pid=49200&mode=threaded&start=#entry49200\\ * Les commandes GM : * http://www.reaper-x.com/2007/09/21/wow-mangos-gm-game-master-commands/\\ * http://www.mangosproject.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=25135&hl=commands\\ * La base de données WoW : http://wiki.udbforums.org\\ * Des forums http://wowdb.fr, http://www.mangosproject.org, http://forums.scriptdev2.com\\ * Quice, un éditeur de base de données : http://quice.indomit.ru\\ * MiniManager : https://mmfpm.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mmfpm\\ * Le site officiel : http://www.mangosproject.org/trac/\\ * Dumper son perso d'un serveur officiel : http://www.manground.org/charactercopy.html\\ * Améliorer la qualité graphique : http://wowdb.fr/showthread.php?tid=8474&page=1\\ * Installer la base de données : http://www.udbforums.org/index.php?showtopic=9543