Table des matières

Infos générales sur la mémoire

On utilise la commande kmeminfo. Attention ces commandes ne sont pas forcément installées sur toute machine HP-UX, il faut installer les OnlineDiag.

root@machine:/$ /usr/contrib/bin/kmeminfo
tool: kmeminfo 5.15
unix: /stand/vmunix 11.23 64bit IA64
core: /dev/kmem live
link: Thu Sep 07 16:47:42 METDST 2006
boot: Thu Nov  9 16:01:04 2006
time: Thu Nov  9 16:28:21 2006
nbpg: 4096 bytes

Physical memory usage summary (in page/byte/percent):

Physical memory       =  1832834    7.0g 100%
Free memory           =   839354    3.2g  46%
User processes        =   441130    1.7g  24%  details with -user
System                =   386278    1.5g  21%
  Kernel              =   215488  841.8m  12%  kernel text and data
    Dynamic Arenas    =    67183  262.4m   4%  details with -arena
      vx_global_pool  =    16144   63.1m   1%
      spinlock        =    11346   44.3m   1%
      vm_pfn2v_arena  =     7236   28.3m   0%
      VFD_BT_NODE     =     3495   13.7m   0%
      M_TEMP          =     3482   13.6m   0%
      Other arenas    =    25480   99.5m   1%  details with -arena
    Super page pool   =    23787   92.9m   1%  details with -kas
    Static Tables     =    91496  357.4m   5%  details with -static
      pfdat           =    42957  167.8m   2%
      vhpt            =    16384   64.0m   1%
      nbuf            =    14736   57.6m   1%  bufcache headers
      text            =     6724   26.3m   0%  vmunix text section
      data            =     1534    6.0m   0%  vmunix data section
      Other tables    =     9160   35.8m   0%  details with -static
  Buffer cache        =   170790  667.1m   9%  details with -bufcache

Infos sur la swap

Attention : penser à vérifier si le swapmem_on est activé ou non.

root@machine:/$ swapinfo -ta
             Kb      Kb      Kb   PCT  START/      Kb
dev     6283264       0 6283264    0%       0       -    1  /dev/vg00/lvol2
dev     2097152       0 2097152    0%       0       -    1  /dev/vg00/lv_paging
reserve       - 5039336 -5039336
total   8380416 5039336 3341080   60%       -       0    -

Infos sur un segment mémoire

Soit le segment mémoire suivant obtenu avec la commande suivante :

machine:/# ipcs -ma|grep sybase|head -n 1
m  110136018 0xdc6412ff --rw-------  sybase   DBA  sybase   DBA    1  3309568  4452  4452  1:00:01 no-entry  1:00:01

On récupère le pid qu'on donne en paramètre à shminfo :

machine:/# /usr/contrib/bin/shminfo -s 110136018
libp4 (8.83): Opening /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem

Loading symbols from /stand/vmunix
Kernel TEXT pages not requested in crashconf
Will use an artificial mapping from a.out TEXT pages
shminfo (3.9)

Shmid 110136018:
struct shmid_ds at 0xe699d8
Pseudo vas at 0xf33f9980
Pseudo pregion at 0xe3d9fe80
Shared region at 0xe50cfc80
Segment at 0x92b400.0xc00000000040f000
Segment allocated out of "Global 64-bit quadrant 4"
Processes using this segment:
proc=0xe468b040 (pid 4452 "AL21_FRA_LIV_M"): vas=0x12702f0c0, SHMEM preg=0xf33c3f00

Si shminfo n'est pas installé sur le serveur, il est possible de le récupérer sur (dans les toolset)

Pour plus d'information, consulter la page

Paramètres mémoire principaux

On trouve ces infos avec :

kmtune|grep -i maxdsiz
maxdsiz            1073741824  -  1073741824
maxdsiz_64bit      4294967296  -  4294967296
shmem                       1  -  1
shmmax             4294967296  Y  4294967296
shmmni                   1600  -  1600
shmseg                   1024  Y  1024
swapmem_on                  1  -  1
maxswapchunks           10000  -  10000

Pour modifier les paramètres en 11.11 :

kmtune -u -s shmmax=12582912000

Pour modifier les paramètres en 11.23 :

kctune -h shmmax=12582912000

ipcs amélioré

ipcs n'indique que les heures, pas les dates. Voici une version améliorée pour HP-UX :

tusc -v ipcs -ma 2>&1 |
awk 'BEGIN { printf("%5s %9s %-20s %3s %19s %19s %19s\n","UID","SIZE","KEY","NAT","ATIME","DTIME","CTIME") }
/pstat/ { id="x" ; key="x" ; at="x" ; dt="x" ; ct="x" ; na="x" }
/psh_uid/  {id=$2 }
/psh_segsz/ {sz=$2 }
/psh_key/ { key=$2 }
/psh_nattch/ { na=$2 }
/psh_atime/ { at=$0 ; sub(".*time: ","",at) }
/psh_dtime/ { dt=$0 ; sub(".*time: ","",dt) }
/psh_ctime/ { ct=$0 ; sub(".*time: ","",ct) }
/psh_valid/ {printf("%5d %9d %-20s %3d %s %s %s\n",id,sz,key,na,at,dt,ct) | "sort" }'