
Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

trinitycore - npcbot - advanced settings

  • NpcBot.WanderingBots.Continents.Levels
Description: Percentage of wandering bots to spawn per level bracket:
0-9, 10-19, 20,29, ... , 70-79, 80+.
Note: Total percentage must be exactly 100.
Note2: Classes with minimum level requirement may ignore this parameter.
Default: 25,15,15,10,5,10,20,0,0
2024/03/15 08:58 · ben

git reset

trinity@wotlk:~/TC_3.3.5-solocraft$ git --no-pager log --decorate=short --pretty=oneline |grep dad1e616bacd
dad1e616bacd9561e0cb9489bffa891507320390 (HEAD -> 3.3.5-solocraft, origin/3.3.5-solocraft) Merge 3.3.5 to 3.3.5-solocraft

trinity@wotlk:~/TC_3.3.5-solocraft$ git reset --hard dad1e616bacd9561e0cb9489bffa891507320390
HEAD is now at dad1e616ba Merge 3.3.5 to 3.3.5-solocraft
2023/10/20 10:26 · ben

OVH : rEFInd, proxmox, grub


echo "### update-grub ###"

echo "### grub-install ###"

echo "### efi rsync ###"

current=$(df -hP|awk '/efi/ {print $1}' |sed 's/.$//'|sed "s%/dev/%%g")
sync=$(lsscsi -s|awk '{print $(NF-1)}'|grep -v $current|sed "s%/dev/%%g")

for i in $sync
mount /dev/${i}1 /mnt/$i
rsync -a /boot/efi/ /mnt/$i/
ls -ltr /mnt/$i/EFI/proxmox/grubx64.efi
umount /mnt/$i
ls -ltr /boot/efi/EFI/proxmox/grubx64.efi

echo "### done !"
2023/01/30 20:18 · ben

Anciens billets >>

  • test.1601711927.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification : 2020/10/03 09:58
  • de ben