
 ls -1 *.depot |while read i; do package=`echo $i|awk -F"." '{print $1}'`; echo "swcopy -s /var/opt/ignite/depots/patch/java7_Sep08_1131/$i -x enforce_dependencies=FALSE $package @ /var/opt/ignite/depots/patch/java7_Sep08_1131/depot"; done
swreg -l depot /var/opt/ignite/depots/patch/java7_Sep08_1131/depot
[root@opign001 - /opt/ignite/bin ] # egrep "tftp|bootp" /etc/inetd.conf
# Before uncommenting the "tftp" entry below, please make sure
# that you have a "tftp" user in /etc/passwd. If you don't
# have one, please consult the tftpd(1M) manual entry for
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/lbin/tftpd tftpd /opt/ignite /var/opt/ignite
#bootps      dgram  udp  wait   root /usr/lbin/bootpd   bootpd
bootps dgram udp wait root /opt/ignite/lbin/instl_bootd instl_bootd
instl_boots dgram udp wait root /opt/ignite/lbin/instl_bootd instl_bootd
[root@opign001 - /var/opt/ignite/recovery/archives ] # tail /etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab
#                             # IP address usable by any client
# # Entry usable by all (used already)
#                   # Reserve this entry once used.
#       # Reserve an IP-Addr for specific host

# "(C) Copyright 1993-2002 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P." #
[root@opign001 - /var/opt/ignite/recovery/archives ] # tail /etc/bootptab 

# Physical server

# Clarify servers
  • A partir du client
/opt/ignite/bin/add_new_client -s ignite-server

Démarrer la bécane et booter sur le lan

Une fois sur le GSP, breaker, et lancer bo lan install :

[tpcun071] MP:CM> PC -on

PC -on

System will be powered on.

   Confirm? (Y/[N]): Y
   -> System is being powered on.
-> Command successful.

[tpcun071] MP:CM> 


         CO: Console
         VFP: Virtual Front Panel
         CM: Command Menu
         CL: Console Log
         SL: Show Event Logs
         HE: Main Help Menu

          X: Exit Connection
[tpcun071] MP> CO
(Use Ctrl-B to return to MP main menu.)

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > 
- - - - - - - - - - - - Live Console - - - - - - - - - - - -

Firmware Version  45.44

Duplex Console IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 1
   (c) Copyright 1995-2004, Hewlett-Packard Company, All rights reserved

  Processor   Speed            State           CoProcessor State  Cache Size
  Number                                       State              Inst    Data
  ---------  --------   ---------------------  -----------------  ------------
      0     1000  MHz   Active                 Functional         67108864 67108864
      1     1000  MHz   Idle                   Functional         67108864 67108864

  Central Bus Speed (in MHz)  :        200  
  Available Memory            :    4194304  KB
  Good Memory Required        : Not initialized. Defaults to 32 MB. 

   Primary boot path:    0/1/1/0.0           
   Alternate boot path:  0/1/1/0.1           
   Console path:         0/7/1/1.0           
   Keyboard path:        0/0/4/0.0           

Processor is booting from the first available device.

To discontinue, press any key within 10 seconds.

Boot terminated.

---- Main Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------

     Command                           Description
     -------                           -----------
     BOot [PRI|ALT|<path>]             Boot from specified path
     PAth [PRI|ALT] [<path>]           Display or modify a path
     SEArch [DIsplay|IPL] [<path>]     Search for boot devices

     COnfiguration menu                Displays or sets boot values
     INformation menu                  Displays hardware information
     SERvice menu                      Displays service commands

     DIsplay                           Redisplay the current menu
     HElp [<menu>|<command>]           Display help for menu or command
     RESET                             Restart the system

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > bo lan install

Lancement de l'environnement de recovery

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > bo lan install

Interact with IPL (Y, N, or Cancel)?> n

Boot IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 4

HARD Booted.

ISL Revision A.00.44  Mar 12, 2003 

ISL booting  hpux KernelPrompt "Choose an operating system to install that your hardware supports:" 120 1

    1.  target OS is B.11.11

    2.  target OS is B.11.23 PA

    3.  target OS is B.11.31 PA

    4.  Exit

Choose an operating system to install that your hardware supports:1


: lan(0/1/2/0;0)/boot/Rel_B.11.11/WINSTALL

12296192 + 2257008 + 2718888 start 0x20c568

alloc_pdc_pages: Relocating PDC from 0xfffffff0f0c00000 to 0x3e900000.

gate64: sysvec_vaddr = 0xc0002000 for 2 pages
NOTICE: nfs3_link(): File system was registered at index 4.
NOTICE: autofs_link(): File system was registered at index 6.
NOTICE: cachefs_link(): File system was registered at index 7.
igelan0: INITIALIZING HP PCI 1000Base-T Core at hardware path 0/1/2/0
iether1: INITIALIZING HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter at hardware path 0/4/1/0/4/0
iether2: INITIALIZING HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter at hardware path 0/4/1/0/4/1
iether3: INITIALIZING HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter at hardware path 0/4/1/0/6/0
iether4: INITIALIZING HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter at hardware path 0/4/1/0/6/1

    System Console is on the Built-In Serial Interface
    Swap device table:  (start & size given in 512-byte blocks)

        entry 0 - auto-configured on root device; ignored - no room

WARNING: no swap device configured, so dump cannot be defaulted to primary swap.

WARNING: No dump devices are configured.  Dump is disabled.

Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1

Create STCP device files

Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 2

                  $Revision: vmunix:    vw: -proj    selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108'  Wed Nov  8 19:24:56 PST 2000 $

Memory Information:

    physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes

    Physical: 4192256 Kbytes, lockable: 3193720 Kbytes, available: 3685656 Kbytes

       * Preparing to execute init...
=======  02/02/16 05:20:34 EST  HP-UX Installation Initialization.
         @(#)Ignite-UX Revision C.7.14.274
         @(#)ignite/launch (opt) Revision: 
         /branches/IUX_RA1203/ignite/src@84460 Last Modified: 2012-02-24 
         09:31:30 +0530 (Fri, 24 Feb 2012)
       * Configuring RAM filesystems...
       * Scanning system for IO devices...
WARNING: ioctl: DLKM is not initialized

       * Boot device is: 0/1/2/0
       * Setting keyboard language.

Lancement de l'installation

Welcome to Ignite-UX!Use the <tab> key to navigate between fields, and the arrow keys
  within fields.  Use the <return/enter> key to select an item.
  Use the <return/enter> or <space-bar> to pop-up a choices list.  If the
  menus are not clear, select the "Help" item for more information.Hardware Summary:System Model: 9000/800/rp3440
  +----------------------+---------------+--------------------+[ Scan Again  ]
  | Disks: 2  (  136.7GB)| Floppies: 0   | LAN cards:   5     |
  | CD/DVDs:0    | Tapes:    0   | Memory:     4094Mb |
  | Graphics Ports: 0    | IO Buses: 7   | CPUs:2     |[ H/W Details ]
    [      Install HP-UX       ]
	[   Run an Expert Recovery Shell   ]
	[    Advanced Options]
	[  Reboot  ]
	[  Help  ]
User Interface Options:
[   ]  Advanced Installation (recommended for disk and filesystem management)
[   ]  No user interface - setup basic networking, use defaults and go
[ * ]  Remote graphical interface running on the Ignite-UX server

* Bringing up Network (lan0)
add net default: gateway
* Reading configuration information from server...
       * NFS mounting clients directory.
       * Using client directory: /var/opt/ignite/clients/0x001321D6D05D

Ignite-UXWaiting for installation instructions from server: Name Shown in GUI:  tpcun071
  Active System Name/IP:   tpcun071-svg/ may now complete the installation using the "ignite" graphical
  interface on the Ignite-UX server (See ignite(1M)).  If you are not
  already running "/opt/ignite/bin/ignite" on the server, do so now.
  No further action is required at this console.

Suivi de la restore via le serveur ignite

Lancer la commande ignite.

  • informatique/nix/hp/hpux_ignite.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2016/11/24 09:55
  • de